This section presents the results collected through the KIDS4ALLL project through the publication made at the end of the project to disseminate the knowledge acquired.

By: Conti, Luisa/Szabó, Orsolya (2024)
Drawing on experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic, this volume presents international and interdisciplinary perspectives on intercultural learning, diversity and equity in teacher education. With contributions from teacher educators from different fields and contexts, it explores the various challenges posed by the pandemic and reflects on the opportunities for teacher education in (post-)pandemic and (post-)digital times. Contributors present conceptual considerations and practical examples from (post-)pandemic times and share insights from different projects that have emerged from the sudden need to adapt to a (post-)digital world.
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By: Conti, Luisa/Darmanin, Janice/Fenech, Christine/Räthel, Klara (2024):
In: Conti, Luisa/Lenehan, Fergal (Hrsgg.), Lifewide Learning in Postdigital Societies. Shedding Light on Emerging Culturalities. Bielefeld: Transcript, 147-168.

By: Schroot, Tanja / Cavelletto, Giulia Maria / Ricucci, Roberta (2024).
In: Conti, Luisa/Lenehan, Fergal (Hrsgg.), Lifewide Learning in Postdigital Societies. Shedding Light on Emerging Culturalities. Bielefeld: Transcript, 213-232.

La prospettiva Lifelong Learning
A cura di Roberta Ricucci e Alessia Rosa
Download the full publication here.

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